Welcome to iParkings Blog

iParkings is an intelligent parking guidance system solution that guides car drivers to a free parking slot, reducing the amount of time to find a place, thus eliminating frustration, fuel consumption, and gas emmissions.
In here we will inform about how the system works, new projects and faq section in order to answer all questions our distributors may have.
Feel free to contact us or post images about new instalations.

March 6, 2012

Informacion de Transito en la Ciudad de Montevideo

Sistema de informacion de trafico y estacionamiento en tiempo real

iParkings se encuentra desarrollando en un sistema de información a conductores a través teléfonos móviles para que los mismos consulten en tiempo real el estado de transito dentro de la ciudad, permitiendole decidir la mejor vía a tomar dependiendo de la congestión de las mismas.
Estamos trabajando con la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo, para optimizar el uso de calles, sincronizar los semáforos y reducir el tiempo de traslado y frustración constante que vive el conductor de la ciudad a la hora de transitar por sus calles.
Para ello, y gracias al apoyo de la ANII (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación), estamos desarrollando un sensor inalambrico de detección vehicular que sera instalado en muy poco tiempo a lo largo y ancho de la ciudad, enviando mediante señales de radio a nuestra central de monitoreo, la cual brindara los datos en tiempo real a los usuarios (conductores e intendencia).
En principio el sensor nos dará información de trafico, y en un futuro información de espacios de estacionamiento sobre la vía publica, todo desde una misma aplicación.

Para poder brindar la mejor solucion estamos recopilando informacion sobre el tiempo en que un conductor demora en transitar ciertos trayectos a distintas horas y días de la semana dentro de la ciudad.
Por este motivo, es que estamos solicitando la colaboración de los conductores que posean Twitter de la ciudad de Montevideo, (próximamente otras ciudades), quienes podrán informarnos el tiempo de conducción entre dos puntos de la siguiente manera y haciendo referencia a @iParkings

Ejemplos de Mensaje (sin comillas):
"@iParkings Barra de Carrasco - Ciudad Vieja 45 minutos"
"@iParkings El Pinar - Malvin 38 minutos"
"@iParkings Km 38 IB - Colonia y Ejido 1h 15 minutos"

Nos pueden agregar a Twitter haciendo click: Agregar en Twitter

La informacion sera muy importante para conocer las congestiones de transito dentro de la ciudad y poder determinar el mejor punto a ubicar los sensores iParkings, cuanto mas informacion obtengamos, mas eficiente sera el sistema, y mas fluido sera el transito.

A todos nuestros colaboradores, les haremos llegar la aplicación iParkings de información de transito y parking en la ciudad sin costo alguno cuando la misma sea lanzada.

Desde ya, muchas gracias a todos.
El equipo iParkings

April 27, 2011

Outdoor wireless guidance system tests

Check Working Video.

iParkings just finished prototype tests on its new development, a complete wireless outdoor guidance solution, designed and developed 100% by iParkings.
The system is composed of one magnetic wireless sensor located in the center of each parking bay, powered by a battery and a wireless Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) in the head of each bay to indicate drivers the available space at distance. The Led is powered by a small solar panel, with great visibility both day and night. At night the parking will have all driveways with excelent ilumination and an "airport runway" feeling.

Our last tests gave the results we expected, a reliable product with efficient guidance properties. We are really happy and motivated to become the first and unique company worldwide to offer this kind of solution for outdoor parkings, it just keeps us working to become our dreams true!
Punta Carretas Shopping will be the first to benefit from this system.

With iParkings outdoor guidance system, outside parkings will now benefit from intelligence guidance system, and soon we will launch our city parking solution, giving "on street" parking solutions for congested cities round the world, just think about knowing exactly where available places are through the city, in your GPS or Mobile Phone... iParkings has the solution. We will post up some news later this week.

 Excellent night and day visibility!
Airport Runway Ilumination Technology!

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March 8, 2011

iParkings to be distributed in Colombia

iParkings will be distributed in Colombia by INGELC Ltda. a high reputation engineering company with over 30 years of experience in diverse projects.

December 7, 2010

Programming Floor Plans

iParkings is not only composed by standalone sensors, there is lots more behind that, a series of computers that studies each component, and decides what to show in each display, then we have also a series of databases that will record each movement of each parking bay, with this info the parking will evaluate assistance, time customers stay at shops, etc.
Part of the implementation consists in programming each parking zone, numbering each bay, and identifying it on a floor plan as we show below.
Identifying each parking bay over floor plan.

December 4, 2010

Punta Carretas Shopping Mall Update 4.12.2010

iParkings at Punta Carretas Shopping mall is about to change the way customers find place at the parking. We already turned on some zones to test the impact this system will have, and we got some interesting changes, congestion inside the parking is almost gone, and we know that as soon users become familiar with this system, no more congestions will occur, inside pollution and fuel consumption will be reduced in about 60%. Customers will be more happy and will have more time inside the shopping.

In this final stage, we will inter-communicate each one of the parking zones, using a BUS connection method, passing through 800 parking sensors, 800 led lights, 30 data controllers and collectors, 17 inside led displays, 40 outdoor led modules (each totem has 8 light displays), 5 totems, lots of information will be driven through this communication cable, about 200Mb (200 high quality images) per hour...
Wiring each zone together has to be made very carefully, taking care to always respect Bus topology, getting away from possible electrical interferences, and assuring that each change on a sensor will get instantly processed by the servers that will then change the display panels.

Just to understand more, we are attaching how this connection will be made through zones.

November 26, 2010

Punta Carretas Update: Totem Installation

Today, we installed the first of a series of 5 totems @ Punta Carretas.
Each Totem will display the actual available places in each parking zone, this will be the initial information a driver will have before entering the parking.
All of the totems are connected to the main server.