Welcome to iParkings Blog

iParkings is an intelligent parking guidance system solution that guides car drivers to a free parking slot, reducing the amount of time to find a place, thus eliminating frustration, fuel consumption, and gas emmissions.
In here we will inform about how the system works, new projects and faq section in order to answer all questions our distributors may have.
Feel free to contact us or post images about new instalations.

June 5, 2010

iParkings to start operations @ Montevideo, Uruguay

iParkings not only decided to start its operations in this city because this is where our main offices reside, also because its the capital city of the Mercosur, one of the most important economic unions in the world, integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay with associated members as Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

With natural Montevideo Port located in Rio de la Plata, the widest river in the world, Montevideo is the main entrance and exit for Mercosur market.

This is where iParkings was developed, this is where we work for the world.