Welcome to iParkings Blog

iParkings is an intelligent parking guidance system solution that guides car drivers to a free parking slot, reducing the amount of time to find a place, thus eliminating frustration, fuel consumption, and gas emmissions.
In here we will inform about how the system works, new projects and faq section in order to answer all questions our distributors may have.
Feel free to contact us or post images about new instalations.

September 29, 2010

More media material from local newspapers and online bulletins

Local News Papers inform about iParkings @ Punta Carretas SM

Today, some of the local media in Uruguay informed about iParkings system that is currently being installed @ Punta Carretas SM in Montevideo.

Here two of the articles, click on link to read the full article.

La Republica Newspaper (Economy Section) 29th September 2010

InfoNegocios Business Newspaper 29th September 2010

September 23, 2010

Installation Updates for Punta Carretas Shopping Mall

Today we finished our tests at the zone named “OSO” located in the under floor of the parking plaza.
99 Sensors with 99 Leds, and 4 zonal controllers where installed, and we will carry our quality controls tomorrow where we will post some images and videos.
Finishing tubing and cabling

 Our team interconeting Parking Controllers

September 19, 2010

iParkings aligns its components using the latest laser technology.

Our team is focused in doing things correctly, thats why we use the latest laser technology in order to align every sensor and led light.

Installation @ Punta Carretas Mall Updates

Since installation started @ Punta Carretas Shopping Mall, many hours had passed, at the present time we are finishing some parking zones. Here some images.

September 9, 2010

iParkings team traveled to Miami to study how it can significally ease parking experience in Shopping Malls.

Parking inside Shopping malls can be most of the time really frustrating, specially in peak hours, this reason motivated us to travel to one of the busiest areas in the world.
iParkings can significally reduce the bad time a driver encounters while looking for a free space inside a mall.
We gathered information including how much time we spent in finding a place, and got that with iPatkings system, an average 60% in reduction can be made, this will lead to happier customers, with more time spent in shops and not inside a parking, raising overall shopping revenues.