Welcome to iParkings Blog

iParkings is an intelligent parking guidance system solution that guides car drivers to a free parking slot, reducing the amount of time to find a place, thus eliminating frustration, fuel consumption, and gas emmissions.
In here we will inform about how the system works, new projects and faq section in order to answer all questions our distributors may have.
Feel free to contact us or post images about new instalations.

December 7, 2010

Programming Floor Plans

iParkings is not only composed by standalone sensors, there is lots more behind that, a series of computers that studies each component, and decides what to show in each display, then we have also a series of databases that will record each movement of each parking bay, with this info the parking will evaluate assistance, time customers stay at shops, etc.
Part of the implementation consists in programming each parking zone, numbering each bay, and identifying it on a floor plan as we show below.
Identifying each parking bay over floor plan.

December 4, 2010

Punta Carretas Shopping Mall Update 4.12.2010

iParkings at Punta Carretas Shopping mall is about to change the way customers find place at the parking. We already turned on some zones to test the impact this system will have, and we got some interesting changes, congestion inside the parking is almost gone, and we know that as soon users become familiar with this system, no more congestions will occur, inside pollution and fuel consumption will be reduced in about 60%. Customers will be more happy and will have more time inside the shopping.

In this final stage, we will inter-communicate each one of the parking zones, using a BUS connection method, passing through 800 parking sensors, 800 led lights, 30 data controllers and collectors, 17 inside led displays, 40 outdoor led modules (each totem has 8 light displays), 5 totems, lots of information will be driven through this communication cable, about 200Mb (200 high quality images) per hour...
Wiring each zone together has to be made very carefully, taking care to always respect Bus topology, getting away from possible electrical interferences, and assuring that each change on a sensor will get instantly processed by the servers that will then change the display panels.

Just to understand more, we are attaching how this connection will be made through zones.

November 26, 2010

Punta Carretas Update: Totem Installation

Today, we installed the first of a series of 5 totems @ Punta Carretas.
Each Totem will display the actual available places in each parking zone, this will be the initial information a driver will have before entering the parking.
All of the totems are connected to the main server.

November 23, 2010

iParkings starts to program Controllers @ Punta Carretas

Programming Controllers @ Punta Carretas Shopping Mall

One of the most critical steps is being performed at the present time, each controller will group 32 sensors and leds, and they must get the empty parking space height in order to detect when a car is parked or not.
This steps is perfomed by using a computer attached to the controller, and we also verify each sensor integrity running several performance tests. Only after, the controllers are ready to be interconected with the main iParkings server which will constantly monitor and control each one of the parking spaces.

November 11, 2010

Punta Carretas Shopping Mall Update

Final Steps in Mounting Led Displays

75% of Punta Carretas Parking Zones are ready to turn on, tomorrow is a special discount date at PC, so we thought it could be a good idea to test the system; occupancy will be at its highest level this weekend.
As we didnt comunicate each zone together yet, we will test it in offline mode.
Each sensor will act as an individual component, turning the led red if a car parks or green if the place is available. We are all expectant waiting the moment leds turn on.
We will inform on monday.

November 2, 2010

Led Display Testing and Programming

Led displays are programmed to be able to show real time occupancy data.
Before installing them, they are carefully tested.

October 28, 2010

October 28th installation update for Punta Carretas Shopping Mall

Punta Carretas is about to experience the first intelligent parking system from iParkings in the region.
Our workers are almost finishing the cabling process and in some days we will start connecting sensors in each one of the bays. Here some images from the last days.

In this image the zone called UVA nearly finished.

Working on special mounts for sensors. We decided to use stainless steel for all metal
components in the system. iParkings focuses in quality and durability.
Special made sensor boxes ready to be installed

October 18, 2010

Installation Images for Punta Carretas SM

Some image updates on installation @ Punta Carretas Shopping

Laser Leveling Sensor Boxes

Working @ zone called Pinguino (Penguin).
Communicating sensors between each other.

Working on sensor mounts.

Cable is being passed through PVC tubes to each
sensor box, two cables are used, the orange one for
giving 24volts and the white one for communication.

iParkings Team working @ Penguin Zone

October 12, 2010

Punta Carretas SM - UPDATE

We had started working on the biggest parking zone, called "UVA" with 179 parking spaces.
Posted by Picasa

October 11, 2010

iParkings goes Green!

iParkings recent studies confirm that:
- 60% reduction in driving time at peak hours.
- 60% gas emissions are reduced
- 60% fuel consumption is reduced

Indirectly iParkings also helps to lower electricity consumption that is used in gas extraction from inside parkings.

At iParkings we are compromised with our world, we are very glad about this results and we will keep working hardly.

September 29, 2010

More media material from local newspapers and online bulletins

Local News Papers inform about iParkings @ Punta Carretas SM

Today, some of the local media in Uruguay informed about iParkings system that is currently being installed @ Punta Carretas SM in Montevideo.

Here two of the articles, click on link to read the full article.

La Republica Newspaper (Economy Section) 29th September 2010

InfoNegocios Business Newspaper 29th September 2010

September 23, 2010

Installation Updates for Punta Carretas Shopping Mall

Today we finished our tests at the zone named “OSO” located in the under floor of the parking plaza.
99 Sensors with 99 Leds, and 4 zonal controllers where installed, and we will carry our quality controls tomorrow where we will post some images and videos.
Finishing tubing and cabling

 Our team interconeting Parking Controllers

September 19, 2010

iParkings aligns its components using the latest laser technology.

Our team is focused in doing things correctly, thats why we use the latest laser technology in order to align every sensor and led light.

Installation @ Punta Carretas Mall Updates

Since installation started @ Punta Carretas Shopping Mall, many hours had passed, at the present time we are finishing some parking zones. Here some images.

September 9, 2010

iParkings team traveled to Miami to study how it can significally ease parking experience in Shopping Malls.

Parking inside Shopping malls can be most of the time really frustrating, specially in peak hours, this reason motivated us to travel to one of the busiest areas in the world.
iParkings can significally reduce the bad time a driver encounters while looking for a free space inside a mall.
We gathered information including how much time we spent in finding a place, and got that with iPatkings system, an average 60% in reduction can be made, this will lead to happier customers, with more time spent in shops and not inside a parking, raising overall shopping revenues.

August 30, 2010

iParkings to be installed in Punta Carretas Shopping Mall @ Montevideo, Uruguay

iParkings is glad to announce its first project.
Punta Carretas Shopping @ Montevideo, Uruguay is the first worldwide parking to benefit from our system.
Being one of the best Shopping Malls in Latin-America, with near 800 inside parking bays with 8 different areas in different levels, iParkings will bring the mall benefits not only to customers, but also to the mall itself as they will have real time occupancy data, reports, and parking usage.

Installation will start 1st. Sept.
We will keep you informed.

June 5, 2010

iParkings to start operations @ Montevideo, Uruguay

iParkings not only decided to start its operations in this city because this is where our main offices reside, also because its the capital city of the Mercosur, one of the most important economic unions in the world, integrated by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay with associated members as Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

With natural Montevideo Port located in Rio de la Plata, the widest river in the world, Montevideo is the main entrance and exit for Mercosur market.

This is where iParkings was developed, this is where we work for the world.