Welcome to iParkings Blog

iParkings is an intelligent parking guidance system solution that guides car drivers to a free parking slot, reducing the amount of time to find a place, thus eliminating frustration, fuel consumption, and gas emmissions.
In here we will inform about how the system works, new projects and faq section in order to answer all questions our distributors may have.
Feel free to contact us or post images about new instalations.

October 28, 2010

October 28th installation update for Punta Carretas Shopping Mall

Punta Carretas is about to experience the first intelligent parking system from iParkings in the region.
Our workers are almost finishing the cabling process and in some days we will start connecting sensors in each one of the bays. Here some images from the last days.

In this image the zone called UVA nearly finished.

Working on special mounts for sensors. We decided to use stainless steel for all metal
components in the system. iParkings focuses in quality and durability.
Special made sensor boxes ready to be installed

October 18, 2010

Installation Images for Punta Carretas SM

Some image updates on installation @ Punta Carretas Shopping

Laser Leveling Sensor Boxes

Working @ zone called Pinguino (Penguin).
Communicating sensors between each other.

Working on sensor mounts.

Cable is being passed through PVC tubes to each
sensor box, two cables are used, the orange one for
giving 24volts and the white one for communication.

iParkings Team working @ Penguin Zone

October 12, 2010

Punta Carretas SM - UPDATE

We had started working on the biggest parking zone, called "UVA" with 179 parking spaces.
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October 11, 2010

iParkings goes Green!

iParkings recent studies confirm that:
- 60% reduction in driving time at peak hours.
- 60% gas emissions are reduced
- 60% fuel consumption is reduced

Indirectly iParkings also helps to lower electricity consumption that is used in gas extraction from inside parkings.

At iParkings we are compromised with our world, we are very glad about this results and we will keep working hardly.