Welcome to iParkings Blog

iParkings is an intelligent parking guidance system solution that guides car drivers to a free parking slot, reducing the amount of time to find a place, thus eliminating frustration, fuel consumption, and gas emmissions.
In here we will inform about how the system works, new projects and faq section in order to answer all questions our distributors may have.
Feel free to contact us or post images about new instalations.

November 26, 2010

Punta Carretas Update: Totem Installation

Today, we installed the first of a series of 5 totems @ Punta Carretas.
Each Totem will display the actual available places in each parking zone, this will be the initial information a driver will have before entering the parking.
All of the totems are connected to the main server.

November 23, 2010

iParkings starts to program Controllers @ Punta Carretas

Programming Controllers @ Punta Carretas Shopping Mall

One of the most critical steps is being performed at the present time, each controller will group 32 sensors and leds, and they must get the empty parking space height in order to detect when a car is parked or not.
This steps is perfomed by using a computer attached to the controller, and we also verify each sensor integrity running several performance tests. Only after, the controllers are ready to be interconected with the main iParkings server which will constantly monitor and control each one of the parking spaces.

November 11, 2010

Punta Carretas Shopping Mall Update

Final Steps in Mounting Led Displays

75% of Punta Carretas Parking Zones are ready to turn on, tomorrow is a special discount date at PC, so we thought it could be a good idea to test the system; occupancy will be at its highest level this weekend.
As we didnt comunicate each zone together yet, we will test it in offline mode.
Each sensor will act as an individual component, turning the led red if a car parks or green if the place is available. We are all expectant waiting the moment leds turn on.
We will inform on monday.

November 2, 2010

Led Display Testing and Programming

Led displays are programmed to be able to show real time occupancy data.
Before installing them, they are carefully tested.